
Stream media to your Big Screen - TV!

Instantly connect your phone, tablet or PC to a TV so you can enjoy awesome entertainment on the big screen.

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What's ?

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watch your movies and TV series on
big and full screen devices.

We love browsing with mobile devices like smartphones or tables and watching media on the big screen like TV though. That's why we provide a free and open streaming application to play your video from your PC, notebook, tablet or smartphone to The Big Screen for best entertainment on TV. Stream with one simple click and enjoy the show.


Stream to your Big Screen on TV

The latest software provides a full streaming interface. Check out your favorite video sources. Your browser app interprets any media codecs and converts for the playing devices - for free! On PC devices with your browser, take advantage of app2tv extension - for free! We are dealing with the different codecs and encodings for video and music streams and convert most media sources in live sessions for streaming to your TV.

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Play video or music streams

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from your mobile devices to TVs.

No more cables. No extra hardware.


Reach TV Audiences on Any Device

Pioneer advertising technology lets you deliver ads for more than web or TV. Reach visitors on TV, tablet and mobile.